Thursday, October 20, 2011

There Is No Santa Claus.

“That’s what I want Santa to get me”, a little girl said the other day in my class, showing her friend a picture in a magazine. It took all the willpower that I have in order not to whisper to her with an evil smirk “There IS NO Santa Claus”. You’d expect that by the age of nine they’d be mature enough not to believe in such a thing as an old fat dude who brings them stuff for being “good”. Then I thought to myself, “stop being such a bitch alright and let the girl enjoy her childhood for as long as she can”.


Why be so mean anyway? After all, they are extremely cute at times. That same girl, when writing a paragraph entitled “My family”, started with the following phrase: “My father’s favourite colour is blue and his favourite sport is tennis and his love is my mother, Helen.” This was just way too adorable for my cynical and bitter soul.

However, I do get tempted to be mean when they really make no effort. In another class, I had to correct my students’ essays when I came across with the one that follows. They were given this image and were supposed to make a story out of it:

And that’s what one of my students wrote:

“Alan held the soap when he slipped pressing a ball at children. The soup rained tow custumers, these angry, rushed to wipe. Their aren’t enjoyed noewer. The end owner said theis not pay the bill.”
After a much needed facepalm, I managed to make sense of it... 

After class, I was talking to a colleague of mine about another group of students, our 12 and 13year-olds. This group only consists of boys and I mentioned to her that two of them have been particularly restless lately, probably because they see that I'm easy to laugh. She said that in order to keep them focused we need to make the lesson interesting and she suggested that a way to do that with them would be by being naked while teaching:

“Left boob, Present Perfect Simple. Right boob, Present Perfect Continuous. When do we use each tense and why?” 

I suspect we’d have issues with the management in that case though...

Our younger students are even more restless and less funny, although they have, involuntarily of course, delivered a couple of quite weird/funny lines. Not long ago, a nine-year-old boy came to me and said: “Alex kissed me on the cheek earlier, miss. I think he might be G-A-Y.”

Thus came the facepalm again.

As for them behaving, I think that an unexpected test should do the trick. No??

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